Occupy, resist, produce
Collective photo reportage about the recovery process of the "Mielcitas" factory. Originally founded in 1976, the Suschen factory became one of the ten largest candy producers in the country, commercializing the popular Mielcitas and Naranju, as well as its alfajores Suschen and Loquillo, and Girasol seeds.
In October 2019, it became a Cooperative, forming a team of 88 employees, 66 women and 22 men, with the simple objective of reinserting itself in the market and providing for their families. In January 2020, after several months of struggle and negotiations, the doors of the plant were reopened again and they began to produce.
Our interest was to make visible the struggles organized by women around a cooperative mode of production, which not only allows the care of dozens of sources of work, but also the possibility of experiencing new forms of production from cooperativism, where solidarity and companionship become essential values to resist the source of work.
The fact that the means of production pass into the hands of the working class changes the logic of the work culture: self-management with power in decision making is opposed to the fact that the responsibility belongs only to the owners; equality of income leaves behind hierarchical wages; solidarity takes precedence over competition and the paradigm that workers cannot manage a company is broken. The close link between feminism and cooperativism is such that, from the difficulties and inequalities that women and dissident identities go through in their labor realities, solidarity and the search for the common good become a banner. 
Project authors: Yasmín Arto, Santiago Oroz, Camila Rojas and Silvina Vaquero. Year 2022.
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