In Argentina, for some time now, a discourse has been circulating that says that the main problem of our country is the people who do not work. That they should go to work, that they should grab the shovel, that those who live off the State, that they should get the fish and the fishing rod, that they should get pregnant because of a plan.
There is, there will be and there will continue to be work in our country and in the world. What is changing, what is changing, is the relationship of people with it. Within the so-called popular economy, there is a worker but there is no employee; there are owners of the means of production, but there is no employer -visible or clear, at least-; there is a salary, but it does not exist without the recognition and intervention of the State to compensate for the tasks performed with what, disparagingly and wrongly, is known as "social plan". 
This photo essay is a journey through one of those popular economy organizations, the "Movimiento de Trabajadores Excluidos" (Movement of Excluded Workers). An unfinished and inaccurate tour of the tasks that thousands of people do throughout the country, stirring pots to feed those who have nothing to eat, sewing the clothes we wear every day, collecting and recycling the waste generated by the big cities, cleaning glass, selling changas in the streets or in the means of transport, building the homes of neighbors who do not have in their homes a key that turns on the light, or a faucet that, if you turn it, throws drinking water.
With "Planero" I want to portray, through some of their experiences, difficulties and experiences, the work of a sector that in the year 2023 in Argentina includes about nine million people who are excluded from the market and the formal circuit of the economy. People who have invented their jobs to survive and who sustain, today, activities that are necessary not only for their own survival, but also necessary because they make a valuable contribution to society as a whole. Although the value that these activities contribute is not a recognizable value within the parameters of the system -because it contributes profits, or added value to a good or service-, it does in terms of environmental care, family care tasks, community service, and the creation of a social good.
People work. Statistics say so, but in case this is not enough, with these photographs I would like to make a contribution to the construction of an imaginary that moves away from the paternalistic and discriminatory view of the so-called "popular sectors". I would like to move away from the idea that those who have more problems than us are to blame for all our problems. We should approach those who are next to us, in better or worse conditions, with a little more love. 
​​​​​​​Photographs taken between 2022 and 2023 in Argentina that are part of "Planero", my final work of the subject Photojournalism II at the a.R.G.r.a. school of photojournalism.
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